


Get list of all created Menus. Each menu contain an array of recipe ids. Query GetMenus()

Get single Menu Query GetMenu(id)

by passing menu id

Get latest published menu. return only one last menu from database. Later use GetMenu query by passing second variable, like `latest=true` Query GetLatestMenu()

It'll have 2 ways - ASC/DESC for filtration Query GetMenuByDate()

Get Menu object with all data inside Query GetMenuFull()

by passing menu id

Get list with all created recipes Query GetRecipes()

Get one recipe Query GetRecipe(id)

by passing recipe id

Get recipe connected with other tables in order to form an object with all recipe data inside, that can be displayed on page Query Get FullRecipe(id) { recipe ingredients attributes meta directions }

by passing recipe id

Get list of ingredients from one recipe Query GetRecipeIngredients(recipe_id)

by passing recipe id

Find recipe by name Query GetRecipeIngredients by name

by passing name (string)

Get ingredients list from one grocery list, group by departments Query Get ingredients, grouped by departmentsQuery grocery_id -> departments -> ingredientsrecipe_id

Return grocery list object, with all related data inside Query GenerateGrocery(menu_id)grocery departments ingredientsrecipe_idrecipe_name

return oauth token that used in login functionality Query GenerateLoginToken()

Last updated